Grants: Communication
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Outdoor Education Partnership III
Dec 2022Chippewa Nature Center and U.S Fish and Wildlife Service propose to work cooperatively to restore wetland, grassland and pollinator habitat as outdoor classrooms on Elementary, Middle and High School lands, throughout the 22 County Saginaw Bay Watershed. County or city owned lands (parks) could also be developed as outdoor education areas provided local public and private schools can utilize project areas in their curriculum. Habitat restoration projects will be restored through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program and Chippewa Nature Center will lead the curriculum and program development for each site. The Service’s Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program is focused on habitat restoration on privately owned land for the benefit of migratory birds, threatened and endangered species and species or habitats of concern. Projects typically cost around $2,000.00 per acre (average cost per acre) to restore. All projects are protected with a 10 year Habitat Development Agreement between the landowner and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Currently, schools or city, county or locally owned park lands are eligible for the Service’s PFW program but are completed on a limited basis due to the size and cost of these smaller restorations. In partnership with Saginaw Bay WIN, Chippewa Nature Center and the Service we will be able to provide funds and technical assistance to develop small outdoor education areas that contain native wetland and grassland habitats for use by teachers and students throughout the year. Projects may also include limited trail development, interpretive habitat signage and structures allowing safe access to restored habitats. Schools will be given priority over other projects and each project will include a customized combination of a curriculum guide, lessons, supplies for the students to use when studying the habitats and teacher training. Interpretive signs will be similar to the photo attached and include site specific information to ensure the intent of this project is maintained long term.
Great Mural Project
Dec 2019Proposed by the Downtown Saginaw Association, the Great Mural Project is composed of a group of engaged and connected young professional Saginaw City lovers who believe that every great city needs art, music and cultural events and are willing to enrich the Saginaw community by transforming eyesores or forgotten space with beautiful murals and community art installations. TGMP has approached WIN to support a minimum of two murals that will focus on sustainability, the river system, non-motorized trails and other projects that have been a focus of WIN investment regionally, and in Saginaw specifically. WIN will provide a small advisory committee to inform the project and artists, and come up with ideas, concepts, and guidance.
Places Create Stories : The Power of Nature
Dec 2015Proposed by a partnership of Heart of the Lakes and Little Forks Conservancy, this media project builds on and expands an ongoing project that is receiving financial support through the Coastal Zone Grant Program. The objective is to develop 3 short videos that focus on the value of nature and its protection and conservation from an economic and community perspective. There is growing concern that people are disconnected from nature, and this video series will be built to focus on the importance of that relationship as it relates to community character, job retention and recruitment, and economic development. Distribution will be through land conservancies, and can be tailored for each group to use. Additional groups, such as local film festivals, Delta College and others have shown interest in showing them as previews before main attractions. There are also sponsorship opportunities.
Nature Kindergarten Pilot
Jun 2012This grant supports the development and purchase of equipment for a new nature-based kindergarten pilot project at Bullock Creek Schools. Building on the successful nature-based preschool program at Chippewa Nature Center, Bullock Creek – in cooperation with CNC – plan to carry this program forward into two kindergarten classroom in 2012-2013 as a pilot project.
MI Great Bay Regional Tourism Marketing & Development Phase 1
Oct 2008This project requested WIN funding to jump start the development and implementation of a regional tourism initiative for the Saginaw Bay Coastal communities. Based around a joint website (, Saginaw Bay coastal communities will implement a comprehensive web-based tourism program – in coordination and supported by the State of Michigan’s Pure Michigan program. The Bay City Convention and Visitors Bureau is providing oversight for the project and has agreed to be the long-term project manager of this effort.
2004 WIN Annual Report
Sep 2004Publication of 2004 report – based on 2001, 2002 and 2003 reports – highlighting WIN activities and accomplishments in 2003. Provide information about the concept of sustainability through text and examples.
Eco-tourism and Environmental Education in Michigan's Gateway to the North
May 2004This project supported the Clare County Board of Commissioners and Clare County MSU-Extension in their endeavor to develop recreational and eco-tourism programming in Clare County. Specifically, this project identified, databased, mapped, marked with new signage and market natural and recreational resources and eco-tourism routes. In addition, this project updated and distributed information about outdoor, leisure, eco-tourism, environmental education and recreation events and activities via a web page, newspaper and other media. Finally, this project provided new recreational/environmental education activities to youth in their own communities through an innovative “roving leader” program using Central Michigan University Recreation Program interns.
2003 WIN Annual Report
Nov 2003Publication of 2003 report – based on 2001 & 2002 reports – highlighting WIN activities and accomplishments in 2003. Provide information about the concept of sustainability through text and examples.
2002 WIN Annual Report
Nov 2002Publication of 2002 report – based on 2001 report – highlighting WIN activities and accomplishment sin 2002. Provide information about the concept of sustainability through text and examples.
WIN Youth Connections Action Grant Program
Apr 2001The Youth Connections Action Grant Program will seek opportunities to increase awareness of the symbiotic relationship of the community, the economy and the environment through small grant funding for innovative, educational projects. It is anticipated that grant awards will range from $100 to $500 and be awarded to projects that demonstrate the concepts of sustainable development. An interdisciplinary team of grant reviewers and project coordinators will be assembled to design and administer this project. The project will begin in September 2001, and continue through October 2001, with awards announced in November, 2001.
WIN Communications Plan Phase 1 Implementation
Mar 2000In early 1999, the WIN Communications Task Group engaged the services of consultant Barb Muessig to assist WIN in developing a plan to provide for effective communications, both internally and externally. Barb completed her work in March, and provided a written report of her findings, along with implementation tactics, to the Task Group. The project involves the implementation of the some of the short-term tactics identified as most important in that document.
WIN Communications Plan
Oct 1999WIN’s Communications Task Group has identified a need to to develop a communications strategy forWIN. The Conservation Fund will retain a professional consultant to assist the Communications Task Group with the work.